Documentation management

Template for listing archival materials transferred to the state archive (18.61 KB, docx).

Template for listing archival materials transferred to the state archive (93.45 KB, pdf).

Template for a request for approval to dispose of non-archival documentation (18.04 KB, docx).

Template for a request for approval to dispose of non-archival documentation (90.67 KB, pdf).

Template for listing non-archival documentation intended for disposal (18.57 KB, docx).

Template for listing non-archival documentation intended for disposal (90.91 KB, pdf).

Procedures for handling documentation.

All issues related to the handling of documentation in the organizational unit should be regulated by office-archival regulations approved by the director of the relevant state archive. They include:

  • Office Instruction
  • Uniform Substantive Register of Documents
  • Instruction on the organization and scope of operation of the institutional archive/document repository
Formularze do pobrania - AP Suwałki