Overall, the State Archives in Suwałki provide a wealth of resources and services for anyone seeking to explore the rich history of Poland, including access to online databases, personalized research assistance, and a well-stocked research library. Whether you're a genealogist, historian, or simply interested in learning more about the history of the region, the State Archives in Suwałki are an invaluable resource.

Formularze do pobrania - AP Suwałki
One of the primary services is the online Archives database "Szukaj w Archiwach," which allows users to search for historical documents and records related to their families, properties, or other interests. With this tool, users can browse through a vast collection of digitalized archival documents, including census records, land surveys, and church records, among others. The website provides easy-to-use search functions, allowing researchers to filter their results by name, location, date, and other relevant keywords.
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Zapytania i cennik
Czytelnia w Archiwum Państwowym w Suwałkach
For those who require more specialized assistance, the State Archives in Suwałki also offer a paid query service. This service allows individuals to submit requests to an archivist, who will then conduct a search on their behalf. These queries may include requests for specific documents or information related to family history, property ownership, or other historical topics.
Check our price list for services
In addition to these online services, the State Archives in Suwałki also provide access to a comprehensive library of historical resources, including books, maps, and manuscripts. Visitors can access these materials in the Archive Reading Room, where they can use the available resources to conduct their research in a quiet and peaceful environment.
Read more about our Reading Room
Biblioteka w Archiwum Państwowym w Suwałkach